I haven't blogged in a week or so, but things have been very busy! The wet weather is making us appreciate the pretty days so much more than we expected. We have been taking every spare moment and spent it outside in the sunshine. Our garden didn't wash away completely.
Last Saturday Cole's Tutu and I spent some time weeding around the plants in the garden that made it through the flood. To our surprise, the tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, brocolli, and onions are doing great. We may be re-planting the rest, but what a great way to spend more time outside!

Daddy got a fun long weekend away with the boys. Our friends Corey Ellis and Lauren Hinton are getting married this month, so several of Corey's friends flew to Las Vegas for a fun trip. While the boys are away, the girls will play though. Courtney Meador, Sarah Gill, Sarah's Mom Bernadette, Baby Daniel, Tara Coomer, Cole and I went to the Brickyard Cafe for a lovely dinner. Its was so nice to have an almost all girls' nite out. Of course, we were so glad Cole and Daniel joined us!
Cole has learned lots in last few weeks. He is almost sitting up on his own, and is really trying to crawl. We fully expect him to be crawling anytime. He loves the front porch swing. This past weekend he had a very long nap in the swing laying on his new quilt (I finally finished). He also spent some quality time with our cat Smoky, and Auntie Carie's dog Allie. He is really recognizing animals and loves to watch them. We just need to work on gentle hands now!

Easter has come and gone. Cole got to finally play with the Easter Basket I made a while back. It was filled with lots of goodies from the Easter Bunny. He got bubbles, books, an Easter Bunny lovey that is as big as him, a Robin Hood Disney DVD, and his first Bible. Cole's Bible is a special edition for Baby Boys, full of stories about special men from the Bible. He already loves to look at the pictures and turn the pages.

We got to make a quick trip to Grandfather's house in Russellville and visit with him for a few minutes on Easter. It was a little rainy but we still got to see the cows in the field next to his house. Cole was very interested in the babies. Isn't it funny how babies recognize their own kind!
Happy everything is green!
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