Tuesday, July 19, 2011
2/3 of a year old!
Cole can roll, scoot, and crawl (forwards and backwards). It seemed to happen overnight! One minute he was just sitting on his own, and the next thing we knew he was sitting up by hisself, rolling to get to his toys, crawling backwards, scotting with one leg tucked under his bottom, and eventually crawling forward! He is such a smart boy!
In the past 1.5 weeks, Cole has cut TWO teeth! At 4 months Cole cut his first bottom tooth, then at 5 months his second bottom tooth. He cut his first "fang" around 6.5 months and here recently he got his second "fang". Yesterday, he cut his first top middle tooth. Five teeth folks! He'll be shining his pearly whites at you very soon, I'm sure!
Cole ate his first raw veggies straight from the garden this last month. He loved the carrots and yellow squash. Daddy built Cole his first swing set and put it up by the garden so we could all have something fun to do while we are playing at the garden.
Dinner time is so much fun. In addition to his normal dinner foods, COle has begun to self feed with peas, carrots, green beans, bread, and some soft fruits. Its amazing to watch his little brain work. His hand-eye coordination is spot-on!
Cole still loves bath time and gets the biggest laughs when playing in the tub at night. He is extremely ticklish and knows to hold Mommy's hand when its time to stop. Too funny.
He gives GREAT kisses, they are the sweetest ever. He likes to grab onto my face and pull me into them. We call them "killer kisses!"
Summer is going by so fast. I definately think our little man enjoys the outdoors. He even understands the importance of sweet tea in a southern family! He also understands that Daddy will give it to him when Mommy isn't looking. That silly Daddy...
Cole fills each day with sunshine and happiness. He is the most awesome blessing, and we feel incredible grateful for the opportunity to be his parents!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Introducing "Chubby Cheeks"
We recently purchased our embroidery machine, and let me tell you... I am in LOVE! We have only had it a short time, and almost everything I own has a monogram, or our name on it!
Debi and I will be heading to market in Atlanta in July to purchase LOTS of lovelies to personalize for our friends and family. Get ready ladies, I have just received the preview catalog for market, and we can't WAIT to show you all that we can do.
Here is a preview of some of the goodies we plan to offer. In the children's embroidery and applique line we will have a clothing line, diaper bags, totes, personalized wipes containers & toy storage, wall decor (just to name a few). We also plan on offering some items for Mom! Some of you may have seen the cake carriers I have posted on facebook. Also, fun items like dish towels, purses, totes for busy ladies, aprons... quite literally anything we can get our hands on that we can personalize will be available to you!
I would love LOVE for you to send me a list of things you'd like us to look for at market. I need all the suggestions you can muster! I would love to be prepared with a shopping list for market, so comment away!
We are already embroidering items so message me if you'd like a quote. The answer is YES! (I know you were thinking it). We can embroider your items, just bring them in or send me a picture for a quote. Pricing for embroidery starts at $5. I know you have something you want to personalize...
Its time to GET CHEEKY, with your uniquely personalized items from CHUBBY CHEEKS!!
Our Inspiration!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Adventures in Dreamland
It was fun playing in the nursery after bedtime, and rocking upstairs in the rocker I had been passed down through my family. Cole and I said our prayers, he had a bottle, and then I waited...
He fell asleep and his little paci fell out of his mouth; a sure sign he is fast asleep. I placed him in his crib and tip toed out around 8:00, Cole's normal bedtime. Clint has mounted a video monitor above Cole crib so we would have a full view of the entire crib. I highly recommend a video monitor to parent's looking into them. It is so reassuring knowing that we can see his every move, especially when our little one is upstairs. I can litterally see his eyes flutter, all on a 2x3" screen!
The night began well enough; however, Cole woke and I was up and down the stairs EIGHT yes EIGHT times. Whew!
I was dragiing the nest morning as was Cole, but I was determined to keep on my plan. Every time he woke up, I would cuddle him or offer a smaller bottle. He fell asleep quickly. I think he wasn't used to being in his crib yet, and away from Mommy and Daddy.
Night number two was much better. I think I was up and down 5 times. Night number three, I decided to try to let him "cry it out" after the third trip up the stairs for a few minutes. I went up to reassure him Mommy was close by, I cuddled him for a moment, then laid him down; however, this time when he woke back up I let him wimper for about 20 minutes. He fell asleep and slept the rest of the night. I was harder to watch him wimper, but I know getting him on a good sleep schedule will only help him to be independent and a good sleeper in hte future.
Cole is now sleeping from 8-12ish and then until around 5:00 am. Not the best, but OHHH! such an upgrade from 8 trips up and down the stairs.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Memorial Day weekend- a weekend of memories!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Gerber Baby?
Monday, May 9, 2011
My First Mother's Day
My boys surprised me with two very sweet cards and a little pink gift wrapped box. Clint said Cole had bought it for me; a beautiful Topaz necklace (Cole's birth stone).
Rich Pond Baptist was dedicating all the babies born to Mommies and Daddies in the past 12 months. After a hurried morning of baths and getting dressed we made it to the church just as Cole's name was being read for his introduction. I was so proud of my little family. God was smiling down on us. Cole kicked and blew bubbles, but I think all the sweet babies up front did as well. The Mihok quads, little Nehemiah Shultz, and sweet Evie Ramey were also dedicated in the first service. Combined with the second service, over 24 babies were born since last Mother's Day. I'm so glad Cole has some friends to grow up with a RBC.
After church, Debi, Jerry, Carie Lee, my Mom, Clint, Cole, and I went to O'Charley's for brunch! It was so nice to have both Clint's mom and mine together with us. Both Cole's Nana and Tutu had so much fun making Cole giggle while we waited for our food. There is nothing better that hearing Cole's belly laughs. He smiles with his whole face.
The afternoon was very laid back. We loaded Cole's carseat in Daddy's truck and the three of us went shopping for a fruit tree for my garden. Exactly one year ago on Mother's Day, I felt Cole kick in my belly for the first time. I was shopping with Clint at Lowe's for trees to plant in the yard. We thought it would be fun to plant a tree each year for Mother's Day. This year we chose a Red Delicious Apple Tree. I can't wait to see that tree grow like our sweet baby boy.
A quick idea to grill out turned into the perfect way to close out a perfect day. My father and Sharrye were on there way back from Hopkinsville (seeing my grandmother, Momoo) so they stopped by to join Clint's parents, Carie, and us for dinner. Simple burgers from the grill, chips, and of course the staple of my summer diet, WATERMELON! The sweetest part of the grill out was Cole sitting in his Bumbo Seat, laughing while Sharrye (Cole's Nannie) and Debi (Tutu) played tickle games with Cole.
Of course, my camera was snapping away all day long. Sweet, sweet memories I will remember the rest of my life. The whole day I kept thinking over and over again; this day couldn't get any better. I can say without a doubt that motherhood is the GREATEST priveledge I have ever been entrusted with. I know Cole is a gift from God, and I am so proud to be his Momma!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Spring in Full Swing

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Cole is 5 Months Old!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Doing Guy Stuff 4/7/11

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Meat Salad
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Brenna's Boys at Their Finest!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Ten Signs of Spring- At The Wiles'
Friday, March 25, 2011
Trying my Hand at Sewing!
Here are a few pictures of the sun romper I sewed for my little man. It will be perfect for our summer in the sun! Can't wait to get that angel outside in the shade while I work in my garden.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Cole's First Bites
We felt there were a few reasons he was ready to begin trying the next step into his food adventures. First, he is able to sit up supported by his Bumbo seat. He has been able to do this for some time now, but he is really doing very well with it now! Cole is also not sleeping quite as well through the night; he wakes up more often and is very hungry! We have noticed him chewing and moving his tongue aroud in his mouth, and finally he is constantly putting his hands and toys in his mouth.
Here is a video clip of some of Cole's first bites of cereal. We used brown rice cereal mixed with milk. I think he liked it!
Here are a few snap shots of our hungry little man!
Cole did so well with his first "meal" of solid foods. Next, we plan to try bananas, avacados, and apples, after we gives each a few days to be sure he isn't allergic! We are preparing Cole's food at home, for now, and it is super easy! After lots of research and advice we decided to purchase a Baby Brezza steamer/ baby food prep. system. We love it!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Gettin' Crafty for Cole: Easter/ Spring Edition

Friday, March 4, 2011
Mommy turns 27!

Cole and Mommy on her birthday 2011!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Daddy Turns 31
Plans didn't go exactly as hoped for...
The Cupcake Debacle
I had a few brief moments in between dinner and bedtime routine while Clint was working in his man-cave Thursday evening to make some birthday cupcakes. Nothing fancy mind you, just the box cake in paper cups, with store bought white icing. But when the 20 minutes it takes to make these lil' beauties is all you have until after the little man is fast asleep, they are worth their weight in GOLD!
Though I tried to make it a surprise, Clint caught a wiff of what was coming out of the oven and I was "made". I went ahead and let the pre-birthday boy have a taste of one fresh from the oven. After they cooled I packed them up to take to work for the next day. So good so far...
The next morning (Clint's birthday) I was loading Cole in the car, and the rubbermaid container slid out of my hands and into the driveway. Thankfully, I had a few left over on a plate inside (only 12 would fit in my container). After all that, he only ate 1 cupcake. I should have just went to Gigi's. **sigh**
I'm not sure about everyone, but I know Clint and I find ourselves stuck very often with the question, " What do you want to eat?" Only to be followed immediately by the slightly more annoying, "I don't know, What do you want to eat?" Add to the mix a stressful day, oh say, like a 31st birthday, and you have a recipe for a bad lunch.
In hopes that it may cheer Clint up, I offered him lunch from Toot's. Nothing like deep fried chicken basted in hot sauce to brighten a dreary day! But he didn't have the five minutes it would have taken to enjoy the meal. Clint didn't get to eat lunch on his special day.
Dinner Plans
Earlier in the week, I had spoken to Sarah Gill and made arrangements to eat together on Friday evening. Unfortunately, Clint had to work late and we were unable to make those plans. We opted for an evening in at home where the delicacy of choice was Honey Nut Cheerios and Frosted Flakes. Not exactly the meal I was hoping to have for my special guy. :(
All in all, it seemed Clint's day was a disaster, but at the last moment, Cole saved the whole thing. While laying on the bed, Daddy got a few minutes of play time in with the munchkin. Cole giggled outloud while Clint made funny noises. Clint laughed just as hard. If anyhting from Clint's 31st birthday will be remembered, it will be the sound of pure joy from a three month old. Gotta love Cole!!
Check out my facebook page for the video of Cole laughing while Clint makes funny noises. Priceless!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Cole is 3 months old!
Ready to Roll!
If you have seen pictures of our little man, you already know he likes to eat! Cole eats almost every 2 hours during the day except during extra long naps. You can tell too. At his 2 month checkup his official weight was 14 lbs 9 oz and his height was 25 inches! He is in the 93rd percentile. Such a big boy, and healthy too! We love our good little eater!
3 month play photo shoot with Mom!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentines Day from the Wiles
(Sorry the hair was looking a bit rough in this one!)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Date Night! 2/6/11
Family Pic! Dressed up and ready to head out the door for our date night!